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15 Reasons Why Lahore is the worst city in Pakistan!

    Lahore is called the ‘heart’ of Pakistan. Are you kidding me? Heart of Pakistan? It does not deserve to be called the heart of the country as it is the worst city and the worst place in Pakistan. Here are 15 reasons
 why Lahore is the absolute worst place in Pakistan.

 1.    The main roads are completely dirty and not maintained at all.
Kalma Underpass

2. Lahore has absolutely no history at all!
Lahore Fort

3.  There is no proper transportation system.

4. Lahore has no culture.
Basant Festival

5. The Gardens and Parks are absolutely filthy.
Shalimar Gardens

Model Town Park

Jillani Park



6. The Mosques are a total mess.

Badshahi Mosque
Wazir Khan Mosque 


7.    There are no Shopping Malls in Lahore.
Emporium Mall
  8.   There is no heritage in this city.
Pak Tea House

   9.  The Food is so tasteless and undercooked.
Lahori Charga

10.    Even the Sweet dishes are not scrumptious at all!
Lahori Kheer

11.   Lahori people are so inhospitable, unfriendly and rude to visitors!
PM Nawaz Sharif (who is also from Lahore) welcoming PM Modi
in Lahore!

12. Their restaurants aren’t any good!
The Arcadian Cafe
13.  There is no nightlife in Lahore.
Food Street

14. This tall ugly tower is the worst thing!!
 15. And there is no entertainment!!
Cinestar Cinema
       Hope you get the sarcasm :)





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