When I received the news of Edhi’s demise, I was
devastated, I couldn’t believe it. The ‘Angel of Mercy’ was dead; it would take
a lifetime to witness a man like him, so kind, so gentle, and so desperate to
care for the well-being of others. He belonged to that tiny fraction of people
in this world who are so hell-bent on keeping humanity alive through their
Abdul Sattar Edhi rendered his services to the poor
and the needy almost his entire life, he was the manifestation of love for
helpless people, he founded the Edhi Foundation nearly sixty years ago when he
was a young boy and since then he is providing assistance to all the impoverished
and poor of not only this nation but citizens of other nations as well.
I think that now instead of mourning Edhi we should
celebrate his life, we should praise him for his desire to love others
unconditionally, we should cherish him for providing shelter and acting as a
fatherly figure for every single person regardless of their religion, race and
colour. Edhi said ‘My religion is humanitarianism, which is the basis of every
religion in the world’, we should also make these words the motto of our lives.
I can’t wrap my head around the fact that that even on his deathbed he couldn’t
stop thinking about helping others, he donated his eyes. I haven’t in my entire
life span of fourteen years seen a person other than Edhi Sahib that is so determined
on helping others that not even his death could stop him.
Edhi Sahib received billions of donations, but he
never bought a mansion for himself, he never bought a Mercedes or not even a
Mehran but instead he bought over 1,800 ambulance vans so he could move the
injured to hospitals as soon as possible. Despite receiving loads of money he was
never conquered by greed and detached from materialism.

Edhi gave shelter to those abandoned babies left by their
parents on roadsides for rats and dogs to eat away their faces, and he gave
hope to those lost souls who lost their parents, siblings and their beloved
ones. He sheltered children who were lost, he was a father for all those people. Edhi was the reason behind those winsome smiles and jolly
faces in the Edhi homes, Edhi was an altruist, he was extraordinary, he was a
phenomenon, he was a non-pareil human being, he was an Angel disguised as a
human. May your soul rest in peace Edhi Sahib!!
Very well written. A perfect blend of informative and creative writing style. Expression is very composed and fluent. Awesome!