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Qandeel Baloch, the Pakistani Kim Kardashian is dead, RIP!

Qandeel Baloch, 26, the famous or the notorious Pakistani social media celebrity was strangled to death by her own brother; yes by her own brother in HONOUR KILLING. Her brother thought of her as a ‘disgrace’ to their family due to her controversial videos which went viral on social media. Alas a thing like ‘honor killing’ still exists in this modern 21st century world. Me like every other person who knew this lady was shocked at her sudden demise, I myself found her quite annoying but I still used to laugh the guts out at her videos and I didn’t imagine that she would turn up dead all of a sudden even though it was kind of predictable, given the society we live in.

What still baffles me is that she was mercilessly killed by her own brother. Then if not her brother then some other lunatic must have killed her, I mean a person like her couldn’t have survived here. A question popped in my mind following her death that why don’t we kill those sick minded men in the name of ‘honor’ or ‘ghairat’ who harass females in public? Why is honor only for females? And considering the amount of women harassed daily, there won’t be any man left in this country if we started killing them in the name of honor.

Qandeel Baloch did what she wanted for herself, she took responsibility of herself and didn’t allow anyone to boss her around. She was ridiculed, faced contempt, hatred, people said that she deserved to die (the same people who are now mourning her death). No death threats could stop her, I may not agree to everything she said but she did make a strong impression by standing for her rights in this chaos-stricken country.
She will also be remembered for exposing Mufti Abdul Qavi. She posted photos on Facebook with this cleric which attracted a lot of attention on social media, the mufti held a grudge against her for revealing his true identity because it got him expelled from the Ruet-e-Hilal committee. The mufti warned that people who disrespect religious clerics will meet the same fate as Qandeel’s. And what about the Mufti himself? He was taking pictures with a woman other than his mother, sister and wife. He is a ‘disgrace’ to his family, he should be killed in the name of honor, that makes sense, doesn't it? But the point is that it is wrong whether it is a male or a female, murder can never be justified.

Qandeel Baloch or Fouzia Azeem was a resilient, strong and an honest lady. She served as an example for women to live their lives the way they want. And to all the people who are rejoicing at her death and praising her brother; YOU PEOPLE ARE ALSO HER MURDERERS, I am sorry that you didn’t get to fight for your son, I hope that he knows who his mother was.
Rest in peace Qandeel, rest in peace Fouzia.


  1. Can't agree more. A beautiful piece on our pathetic state of affairs.


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